Our Services

Our professional and reliable team at Nonstop Maintenance Solutions delivers safe and quality off-site and on-site fixed and mobile plant repairs inclusive of servicing Automotive, Mine / Industrial, Domestic and Marine equipment.   

Automotive Air Conditioning

Man checking Automotive Air Conditioning pressure. Re-gassing and repairs.

Re-Gassing, Repairs and Spares Procured

Marine Repairs& Maintenance

Close up of a man completing repairs and maintenance on a boat. Grease lines, wheel bearings, roller replacement. Marine

Grease Lines, Wheel Bearings and Roller Replacement

Pump & Gearbox Servicing & Maintenance

Close up of an automotive gearbox. Pump and gearbox servicing. Inspections, routine maintenance and repairs

Inspections, routine maintenance, and repairs

MechanicalServicing & Repairs

Close up of a diagnostic tool used during mechanical servicing and repairs for heavy and light vehicles. Automotive

Servicing, Repairs, and Spares Procured For Heavy/Light Vehicles

Welding& Fabrication

Close up of a man welding. General repairs and fabrication

General Repairs and Fabrication

4WD Accessory Installation

4WD going through a river. Bush. Camping. Bull bars. 4x4 accessories. Accessory installation.

Towbars, bull bars, winches, side steps, tonneau covers, roof racks, draws, spotlights, canopies, awnings

Automotive electrical

Close up of Auto Electrician working on a car. Checking wires. Performing repairs

Repairs, Fault Finding and Diagnostics

Century Battery Agent

Man placing a Century Battery in a car

Good quality cheap batteries for all applications

Fluid transfer solutions

Fluid transfer solutions, all oil, air, fuel fluid transfer applications on any equipment

Marketing Plan

Mission Statement

You break, we fix! Fast and reliable service.

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Executive Summary

Deliver high quality services to a local market

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Trackable Goals

No rework. Injury free. Ontime services. Cheapest prices.

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Growth Stategy

Local engagement. Specialised tools and equipment. Team development. Labour hire.

Growth Strategy Icon


Cost effective. Ongoing forecasting. Competetive Salaries. Meet Government regulations.

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Facebook. Business Cards. Sponsorship. Charity Days. Website. Ads.

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Growth Chart. KPI. Key performance metrics. Arrow up.

Key Performance Metrics 


No rework 

No injuries 

Customer satisfaction 


Quality workmanship 

Safe practices adhered to in workshop 

Happy customer, Valued customer 


No customer returns 

Zero recorded injuries. 2x2 for each task  

Feedback from customers